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As a polymathic mom, raising a 2E mini-me, I did not even attempt to put her into a school. Gifted schools are for Tiger Moms/Dads/Parents/Caregivers. I hated school Pre-K through High school. Every moment of it. Every aspect of it. My saving grace was that my high school teachers recognized what I was/am. I would show up and hand in the necessary items or take their tests in the space of 2-3 minutes and then ask to go to the "library" (then I would promptly leave the school grounds altogether). They knew what I was doing. They let me, without saying it aloud.

I home school this 8 yr. old of mine. She has ADHD in a way that is not my "everything, everywhere, all at once but not ADHD". I mashed together all of the good parts of a multitude of pedagogy styles and now I am draping them with the powerful heart of Keiran Egan methods that have been altered/improved by Brandon Hendrickson. Weaponizing ADHD for her. Most gifted children do not belong in the schools offered in the USA (I have not researched other countries in any kind of depth). John Gotto had so many true things to say about schools and those things apply to mainstream and supposed gifted schools, alike. I seem rather adamant about the entire things.

These are my own feelings and thoughts on the matter. These are the steps I have taken so that my child has a full and fulfilling childhood. The brick and mortar is already leaking away from universities across the planet. It will continue to do so, all the way down to elementary schools. This is already in process. My great grandchildren, should I have any, will not recognize the educational landscape that stands today. It's hard to find the "Right School" because it is the "Wrong Place", in the first place.

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