Deborah, This post put many wheels in motion. It's a trusting action to tell "my story." Is it the specific nature of your question that encourages someone to write and send the story to you? You gave three clues: woman, gifted, age Because storytelling is to me what tests & measurement are to you -- my core, truth, and gift, could you help me think through the possibility and the value of some kind of Storytelling Mastery function in the GPC Community? I mean, the people I love to serve and touch every day are already good at communication and seem to have a gap or hesitation when it comes to telling the story of THEM. Is it they damn well know their story and hesitate to write it out or want to share it? Or have they not had enough guidance in finding their truths? What makes me say this is this from your reader, which smacked me right between the eyes: "I feel like most people who send you their life stories don't know where to begin...I'm torn, because I've been through a lot in my 37 years, and I don't know if it's even interesting or important."

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As more stories are shared, more people step forward. It's an affirmation of it's being okay to tell one's story. We all struggle. It can make us feel less alone and not as odd as we thought. Step forward, Ladies. I'll still run something similar for men as more dust on other projects clears for me.

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