Preschool Behaviors in Highly to Profoundly Gifted Children
Do you have, or were you yourself, an unusually gifted child? These are general behavioral guidelines to help you know.
Personality type, being a boy or girl, and the reactions of those around the children can affect how many of these items describe gifted preschool children. The earlier any of the behaviors below occur, the more likely the child is highly to exceptionally gifted. They are more likely to be gifted, but not extremely so, if those behaviors show up a little later. Keep in mind, the “not extremely so” gifted are actually the ones who are most common among typical professional careers. The highly to exceptionally take those careers and goals even higher by specializing and creating more. And, keep in mind, as I’ve been known to tell my own adult children, some public notice and fame comes posthumously. What matters is that you’re doing what you believe in and in what you hope will eventually make a positive difference of some sort in the world.
Some Early Indicators of Extremely High Intelligence
Birth to 4 months:
· Makes eye contact soon after birth and continues this interaction and awareness of others.
· Makes eye contact while nursing.
· Does not like to be left in infant seat (unless they are being interacted with by someone).
· Almost always wants someone in the room interacting with him or her.
· Very alert; others notice and comment.
4 months to one year:
· Seldom “mouths” toys.
· Shows purpose with toys, seldom destructive or arbitrary.
· Pays attention when read to or watching TV.
· Plays pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo.
· Waves bye-bye, says ma-ma, dada, and bye-bye.
· Follows directions, knows what’s next in their routine.
One year to 18 months:
· Obvious interest in competence; has “fits” when not permitted to do it himself (or herself)
· Long attention span.
· Obvious interest in letters, numbers, books, and talking.
· Surprisingly good eye-hand coordination for shape sorters, putting things in and taking things out.
· Uses puzzles and toys that are beyond stated age level.
· Does not chew on or tear books.
· Tries hard to please; feelings easily hurt.
18 months to 2 years:
· Talking, clear understanding of others’ talk.
· Knows many letters, colors, and numbers. The brightest gifted children often know how to count and organize by quantities, know many colors and shades, and know the alphabet in order or isolation. This is at their insistence, not parental drill.
· Tenacity; needs to do it their own way and are not done until they are done.
· Not easily distracted from what they want to do; don’t even try tricking them with distraction.
· Can sing a song with you, knows all the words and melody.
· Clearly exhibits a sense of humor beyond typical “bathroom humor.”
· Although active, activity is usually very purposeful and important to the child.
· Interest in activities, machinery, and implements that are complex and maybe delicate, e.g., different devices, computer. Can handle them well, if allowed.
· Bossy; quickly lose interest in any children who cannot do what they want to do.
· Grandparents have started to complain that your child is willful and perhaps spoiled.
· Drawing and identifying what they’ve drawn.
· Stacking block towers of 6 blocks or more.
· Recognizing basic shapes and pointing them out elsewhere.
· Notice beauty in nature.
· Attention to the feelings of others.
· Need to know “why” before complying.
Two to three years:
· Excellent attention for favorite TV or videos.
· Shows tremendous interest in printing letters and numbers.
· Will catch your mistakes, hold you to your word, and not forget promises or changes of plans.
· Easily frustrated with own lack of ability, seems to obsess on some things.
· People outside the family start to comment on how smart your child is.
· Child has trouble playing with other children the same age, prefers adults or much older children but is not personally a lot of fun for them — the older children or adults — because the child is still too immature.
· Throws fits or tantrums especially when thwarted in doing something his or her own way to completion.
· Can play with games, puzzles, and toys that state an age range twice their own or more.
· Early reading, e.g. know most store and street signs, recognize many names, labels and words in print.
· Most tantrums are precipitated by lack of adult respect or understanding; child is more likely to cooperate than simply comply with adult demands.
· Highly competitive.
Three to four years:
· Highly inquisitive.
· Highly talkative.
· Increasing interest in books and reading and finding answers there.
· Love to debate and reason and argue.
· Can do many things on the computer if allowed.
· May become fearful of what they don’t understand, tend to think ahead and worry.
· Shows interest in how and why; ask questions and listens to answers unlike most age-mates.
· Interested in strategy and application of rules; dismissive and annoyed at others who don’t “get it.”
· Bossy.
· Creative.
· Cleverly manipulative.
· Perfectionistic, even obsessive about developing own skills.
Four to five years:
· Many start reading simple books then chapter books almost spontaneously before they are five.
· Show interest in mature subjects but can be frightened by their own lack of perspective (e.g., natural disasters are both fascinating and frightening).
· Intuitive grasp of numerical concepts and mathematic reasoning; many can effectively compete with older children and adults in board and card games.
· May start to question the meaning of life, their own worth, etc.
· Huge vocabulary, huge memory for facts, events, and information.
· Increasing facility with computers and keyboarding, video games. Anything.
· Obvious abstract reasoning ability, love of concepts and theorizing; philosophical and speculative.
· Great need to engage others in meaningful and intelligent conversation about the things that interest them (the children, not necessarily the adults).
Gifted preschool children tend to initiate their own learning. In fact, it is one hallmark of high intelligence. Although strong parental or preschool involvement and instruction can accelerate a child’s acquisition of academic skills, children at different levels of intelligence will still gain those skills at a noticeably different rate.
Background Related to the Opinions of the Author (Deborah Ruf)
Highly to Profoundly Gifted spans the modern IQ range of approximately the low 130s to 145+. This range gets broadened on older tests with different scales and some other tests that people keep trying to develop to show who’s the smartest, most gifted person. Giftedness does not mean performing perfectly in school. You can be gifted and not be an amazing student. I have a PhD focused on Test & Measurement and the Psychology of Learning.
And if you are now asking what you should do next, there are some detailed answers in the writings listed below. And, of course, I will keep giving you digestible little snippets through these blog posts.
Some of My Related Writings
The 5 Levels of Gifted Children Grown Up: What They Tell Us (2023)
and Keys to Successfully Parenting Gifted Children (2022, 2023)
Professional Website:
Substack: Gifted Through the Lifespan
I already was labeled long ago as being about like Tolan's Jason, and I was already pretty sure my daughter's about like RJ, but it hurts to read this and see that it describes my daughter and describes me even more.
(It's especially frustrating that MY OWN PARENTS complain she's spoiled and I'm pushing her when they got the same complaints, ye gods. She's not even as advanced as I was so how can they claim I'm pushing her? I go with her flow and occasionally even underestimate her, though I clocked her as "like RJ" over a year ago so I can't honestly say I'm "running to keep up" like most parents of level 4s stereotypically do.)
I don't find her intense or difficult whatsoever (guess I must be even more intense). And I understand her thought processes. My husband (typical original-CTYer) does find her intense. It bugs me to see my parents get upset at her emotional outbursts, makes me wonder how they reacted to mine. (I either comfort her or just ignore them, seems to work well. I feel like I lucked out and got an "easy child"!)
My mom did say that these days watching her makes her miss her own toddler girl. :)
This is a fabulous summary of the gifted preschooler at various ages. We know at Grayson that gifted PreK children are tremendously hungry to learn, and that research shows that 3- and 4-year-old gifted children get tremendous social-emotional and intellectual benefits from learning together from trained teachers. This is why we include preschoolers in our programming — yet we are one of only a few institutions in the country that do so.
We often jokingly remark that perhaps the best place to find gifted preschoolers is the grocery store — they are the ones reading all the signs, or talking about prices and money, or asking why the strawberries come from Colombia (and where is Colombia, anyway? and how do they get here? and do they have to go to the airport like we do? and does that mean that the strawberries speak Spanish? etc.).